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elevate your elevator pitch workbook

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I'm jess

personal brand coach, mindset mentor, and at-home-latte expert. I'm so happy you're here. Now, it's time for your glow up.



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the masterclass

you are the magic: the mastermind

Sparkle session personal brand intensives


You are the MAGIC

become more visible than ever, attract clients who are obsessed with THE REAL you, and keep your emotional sh*t together while you do

It's time to let go of the fear and doubt that's been keeping you trapped in an out-dated version of yourself and finally relax into your

"getting paid for being me" era.

You've built a business you're proud of, gone through a massive shift, recovered from burnout, and now the brand that you built everything on feels like squeezing into your pre-baby clothes that belonged to a version of you you'll never be again. You want to show up, share, and sell on a whole new level.

Stuffing yourself into old narratives is limiting your growth - you still haven't used the brand assets you spent thousands on and hide your phone after you share something a little too real - and the idea of sharing your self with your audience freaks you out. You know you are meant to make even deeper impact and influence than you already have, and if you had some help, you'd be ready to tell your inner critic to shut the f*ck up and let you shine.

Are you ever in the right place. We're about to turn down that nagging self-doubt and turn up your inner magic so you can make being yourself into your brand and wake up to the ding of payment notifications on repeat.

join the waitlist


since you're scrolling down this page, you're probably wondering, "who is jess, anyway? will this course really help me?"

Okay, so...

Here's the thing:

When you do the inner work first, showing up becomes effortless, social media becomes a playground for your expansion, and sales become simple because you're connecting with your people who are more obsessed with you than the Swifties are with Taylor.

X You don't need a massive following.
X You don't need a new outfit.
X You don't need more experience.
X You don't need a new certification.
X You don't even need to be more consistent.

You just need to regulate your nervous system and show up without holding back.

And if you'll spend the next 6 months with me, you will.

Thankfully, it doesn't have to stay that way.

The way I look at personal branding is about so much more than a tired marketing tactic based on pain points and relatability. The way to build a brand that feels like you from the inside out, is from the inside out: 

to your true, unfiltered, magical self, because she's pretty epic and i think you'd like her

Even some of my most "successful" clients have come to me feeling stuck because being themselves on the internet feels f*cking scary.

reintroducing you

(the part of your mind that was shaped while you were still a kid and has been running your life ever since)

rewiring your subconscious mind

(the ones you tell yourself about why it's not safe to be yourself when it comes to your business)

rewriting limiting beliefs

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skyrocket your self-expression

so you can finally create the kind of results you love to brag about

it's time to alchemize all things fear and

Selling on social media feels more like playtime than a persona as you share your expertise and passion with your people and watch them get out-of-their-minds excited about working with you because they know and love the real you

What if 6 months from now

your life looked like this...

Posting Instagram stories from your car while you pass Starbucks cake pops to your toddler in backseat and only being interrupted by the notification of new clients signing up for your offers because they can’t get enough of you, exactly as you are 

An inbox full of “you don’t know how much I needed this” DMs every time you share your story because you’ve learned how to bring yourself fully to everything you do and it’s made you a magnet for dream clients and aligned opportunities

You can't remember the last time you had a 3am panic attack over that follower who critiqued your latest post and the never-ending self-doubt is a thing of the past now that you know how to regulate and recenter yourself when tough feelings sneak up

if that sounds like everything you've been trying to create but don't know how, this mastermind was made for you.

join the waitlist

here's how it works:




When you enroll in the You Are The Magic mastermind, you are committing to honouring yourself and deepening your brand. The course is 6 months in length and enrolment opens twice per year. Get on the waitlist to get updates and hear when enrolment opens for the next 2024 Cohort!

The You Are The Magic Mastermind isn't built around concepts that need you to sit down, take notes, take a quiz, and eventually begin to apply your new info later on (although the lessons are so good, you'll probably want to take notes, anyway).

In each element of every module, we'll be using psychological and somatic principles and practices to move what you're experiencing from "head knowledge" to "embodied change". This active approach to learning helps clear old fears, unhelpful beliefs, patterns, and paralyzing emotions that have kept you from showing up the way you really want to. That means the results start showing up in you right away.

LIFETIME UPDATES: This program is a living, breathing work that will continue to grow for a long time. You'll get access to everything as it's created and added to the program for life. The material is delivered via a private course portal for easy consumption over the 6-months of your Cohort. Therefore, there is a no-refund policy.

I am committed to your inevitable success.

this is not another information-based program. this is a transformational integration-based experience.

Each module is divided into "Setup" and "Support" sections to make sure you get all of your questions answered, confusion cleared up, and action plan created every step of the way. Assignments and progress trackers help to keep you focused and your community is waiting to cheer you on.

From training videos and breathwork to journal prompts and brand messaging, you'll be applying these teachings as you're learning them, and coming back to them throughout the course and beyond to integrate the lessons deeply and create lasting transformation in you and your business.

The You Are The Magic Mastermind is a 6-month group experience taught by Jess Trachsel (hi--that’s me!!) — personal brand strategist, podcast host, and master marketing mindset coach.

This mastermind course has been intentionally curated to deliver only the brand strategies, marketing principles, self-regulation techniques, and subconscious reformatting techniques that will bring you the most transformation possible - no fluff here. 

former shy girl turned
personal brand expert.

I'm sharing my proven strategies and mindset shifts that will free you to sell simply by                          

Being Yourself

Chelsey is a Human Design and Relationship Specialist, and Founder of The WholeHeart YXE. She believes deeply in connection, love, and the power of our story and what lies within. She is a compassionate, extremely empathetic, and relatable woman who puts individuals at ease. With her there is no judgement, no shame, when you step into her space. Chelsey deeply desires individuals to have the magical lives they deserve to live.

Personality, values, and you: coming home to yourself first

guest interview with

module one

Understanding who you are and how you relate to yourself is the CORE of this program. Coming back to yourself, what is truly part of your unique perspective and personality, and letting a little more of your inner child come out to play is the first step to uncovering your inner magic and becoming magnetic to your soulmate clients.

Chelsey Danish


Carla is a master hairstylist turned Personal Growth and EFT Tapping Coach. She is fierce about supporting women to love themselves with the ruthless compassion they deserve. Her sharp insight and warm presence guides her clients through fear and into a new reality as she teaches techniques and shifts that make it easy to listen to your body and quiet your mind. Carla brings years of expertise and excellence to every table she sits at.

unlearning our assumptions & releasing limiting beliefs

guest interview with

module two

If there's anything you need to update your beliefs around, it's selling, self-expression, and showing up. When you can untangle your confidence from your out-dated assumptions and limiting beliefs, you make room to align with the vision you have for yourself and show up and selling with "damn, I'm good" levels of conviction.

Carla Unger


Kimberley is a Registered Nurse, breathwork facilitator, wellness coach, author, yoga teacher, and the founder of Embark Integrative Health. After healing from her own chronic stress and burnout as a health professional, Kimberley made it her mission to empower others to set themselves free from overwhelm and anxiety through discovering the calm that is waiting within: in breath and being present

moving through discomfort and into visibility

guest interview with

module three

Making room for billboard-on-Times-Square kind of visibility in your brand doesn't happen without getting real, vulnerable, and honest so your lifelong fans can discover you. And that's not always a cakewalk. In the moments when being yourself has you sweating, the principles and practices in this module will guide you back to your breath, your brand, and your brilliance.

Kimberley Stevens


Tammy is a passionate, rebellious Founder and Small Business Consultant who believes in asking intentional questions to guide you on your desired path. With decades of experience in start-ups, new launches, partnerships, team-building, and resilience in business and leadership, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. Master Photographer of 25+ years and Small Business & Entrepreneur Coach bringing her heart, her truth, and a lot of grit to get things done, Tammy believes in community and is right beside you every step of the way.

setting boundaries when building a personal brand

guest interview with

module four

Even if setting boundaries in the office or with your partner is a breeze, the lines can get blurry when it comes to building a community around your personal brand. Learning to see yourself as worthy of protection and attention and making peace with the end of people pleasing is key to a sustainable, long-lasting brand that feels good all the way through.

Tammy Zdunich


Courtney is a life coach for ambitious women who brings powerful mindset and intention to her work. With 8 years of experience as a coach for high-achievers, Courtney expertly clarifies and amplifies her clients' desires and equips them to take action and turn them into reality. Her passion for seeing women's lives transformed and making the extraordinary into everyday occurrences makes her a master at creating a deeply transformative environment for you to realize your dreams.  

earning credibility and trust by being yourself

guest interview with

module five

Brands are built at the speed of trust, but what if you don't even trust yourself? It's time to redefine where your credibility comes from and take inspired action that will teach you to rely on yourself when it matters most. As you lean in to your authenticity, you will learn how to attract the soulmate client community you've been dreaming about. 

Courtney Quinn


Brittany is a social media marketing expert and consultant based in Canada, helping clients globally. With over a decade of experience, she has supported clients from law firms to career coaches, fashion designers to professional speakers, start-ups to multi-million dollar brands, and everything in between to  become visible on social media, amplify their message, and create captivating content. Brittany is also an internationally recognized speaker, providing training and workshops across Canada, the United States, and Europe.

sharing your story in ways that connect on social media


module six

The way you tell your story has potential to unlock the next wave of expansion for you and your audience, if you'll step into it. In this module, we integrate all of the mindset shifts we've created so far to spotlight your story through social media and create relatability and soul-level connection with your audience because it's everything they love you for.

Brittany Miller

guest interview with

online community & accountability

each module includes...

2 live group
video calls with jess

workbook & assignments

prerecorded video training

prerecorded guest interview

Practice stepping in to a new version of yourself and bringing more of your personality to your brand with curated workbooks and assignments that guide you deeper into each concept.

24/7 access to your cohort's online community portal. Sharing the journey together and sharing your wins and discoveries keeps you accountable and gives you somewhere to celebrate your successes as they happen.

Jess has incorporated 6 featured guests throughout the program to bring you energetic and somatic practices that will help you integrate and embody the core teachings of each module for real transformation.

Each video lesson is designed to shift your mindset, reprogram your subconscious patterns through reflection, and accelerate your ability to show up as yourself and self-regulate in the process.

Lean in to being supported and challenged with bi-weekly group coaching calls. Expect to engage with one another, ask Jess questions, and be lead through your transformation and encouraged  along the way.

You can know all the right things to do, but if you can't get past self-sabotage and self-limiting patterns, you'll never unlock your full potential to connect with soulmate clients. These meditations will help your mind relax and your ego get out of the way so you can identify and align with your soulmate client, release the fear of judgement around sharing your true self, and let your intuition and creativity lead you into your personal brand journey.

5 exclusive Visualization meditation audios

by jess trachsel

personal branding for professional women masterclass

by jess trachsel

See in-depth examples and helpful breakdowns of common personal branding mistakes that keep you from building something that connects and sells. In this hour-long masterclass, Jess teaches you exactly how to identify where your brand has been missing the mark and what changes to make so that your personality and story pave the way to more conversions than ever before.

Discovering your personality and where it comes from is first key to unlocking your personal brand's potential. Chelsey's Inner Self Reflection Guide takes you on a journey of reconnecting with your core values and who you were before anyone made you feel like hiding. You'll dissolve barriers of doubt and confusion, allowing your true self to shine through in your personal brand and watch it become your favourite thing you've created in a long time.

inner self reflection guide

by chelsey danish

Tapping is my favourite way to rapidly shift my mindset and recondition my nervous system, and Carla's wildly powerful Emotional Freedom Technique tapping script are designed to melt away your fear of being judged and break through your people-pleasing patterns. Through this customizable tapping session, you'll feel your limiting beliefs being rewritten in the moment and become clear on how you want to move through your brand's next expansion.

customizable eft tapping script for releasing fear

by carla unger

These powerful breathwork audios gently guide you to shift the state of your nervous system from overload to ease, turning moments of discomfort into connection with yourself so you can navigate vulnerability and visibility gracefully. By tapping in to the grounding power of your breath, you'll increase your self-awareness and learn to regulate your emotions, allowing you to show up fully without the panic.

4 transformational breathwork audios

by kimberley stevens

Gathering the courage to show up in your vulnerability and allow yourself to be seen gets a lot easier with well-defined boundaries to protect your peace. This boundaries worksheet is short but deeply profound, and will guide you as  you take back control of how you show up and what you allow to effect you. Learn to let what isn't yours to worry about "return to sender" and take full responsibility for the things that you allow into your emotional space as you represent yourself and your work in the world.

honoring yourself with brand boundaries worksheet

by tammy zdunich

Taking messy, inspired, imperfect action is what turns your personal brand from a nice idea to something people trust and relate to. Through these carefully written affirmations and thoughtful journal prompts, you'll generate a deep sense of clarity, motivation, and alignment as you take inspired action and build trust with yourself and your audience as you become more and more visible.

inspired action affirmations & journal prompts

by courtney quinn

The heartbeat of your personal brand is your story, and there's no one better to tell it than you. These templates make telling your story simple so you can focus less on the format and more on the content. When you use your own words, style, experience, and voice to share parts of yourself with your audience and let your unique magic flow through your words, you'll turn followers into fans and your past into paycheques.

2 storytelling social media canva templates

by brittany miller

Each of these phrases has been chosen to reflect a core learning or new belief being installed throughout the modules. By putting them front and centre on your phone screen, you reinforce the affirmation and begin to "unlock" the power of your subconscious mind as you get your brain on board with the new version of yourself that you are becoming. These fun designs make checking your phone into a ritual that moves you forward.

24 "UN-lock" screens with affirmations

by jess trachsel

and that's not all...

You're also getting access to:

the world needs your magic

the best strategy in the world will never make up for a sh*tty mindset, and

this course is

for you if you're...

Not a Fit 

Thinking "I already know that" or "that's not going to work" as you read this landing page

Committed to your comfort zone and the idea that you brand is stuck being who you've always been

Thinking of self-expression or inner work as childish, unprofessional, or unnecessary for brand growth

Looking for a quick fix to your problems, or hoping that this program will erase trauma or mental health concerns

Looking for someone else to do the work for you or for it to be easy

Looking for instruction on the mechanics of marketing and the tools to market your business (like ads, social media strategy, brand design, etc)

Someone who sees this 6-month course as an "expense" or "too long"

this course is

for you if you're...

Totally  Perfect

Willing to learn and take expansive, supported action to create change

Ready to give up your excuses and BS beliefs about why you aren't enough... even if the process is uncomfy

Prepared to stretch yourself, apply what you learn, and let yourself be supported by others

Not afraid to admit that what you've been doing isn't working for you anymore and you need a change

Committed to leaning in to accountability and completing all assignments and exercises

Excited to be mentored and lead through deep inner work and into transformation

Someone who sees this 6-month course as an investment in their mindset, peace, wellness, and future

join the waitlist

please note that The information and practices presented in this program are not intended to diagnose mental health problems or to take the place of the professional medical care provided by a licensed clinical professional therapist.

$2700 CAD

the you are the magic mastermind is only

if you're ready to calm the f*ck down so you can show the f*ck up, this space was built for you.

payment plan is available • NEXT ENROLMENT OPENS 2025

(plus applicable tax)
total is approx. $2000 USD