this course is
for you if you're...
Not a Fit
Thinking "I already know that" or "that's not going to work" as you read this landing page
Committed to your comfort zone and the idea that you brand is stuck being who you've always been
Thinking of self-expression or inner work as childish, unprofessional, or unnecessary for brand growth
Looking for a quick fix to your problems, or hoping that this program will erase trauma or mental health concerns
Looking for someone else to do the work for you or for it to be easy
Looking for instruction on the mechanics of marketing and the tools to market your business (like ads, social media strategy, brand design, etc)
Someone who sees this 6-month course as an "expense" or "too long"
this course is
for you if you're...
Totally Perfect
Willing to learn and take expansive, supported action to create change
Ready to give up your excuses and BS beliefs about why you aren't enough... even if the process is uncomfy
Prepared to stretch yourself, apply what you learn, and let yourself be supported by others
Not afraid to admit that what you've been doing isn't working for you anymore and you need a change
Committed to leaning in to accountability and completing all assignments and exercises
Excited to be mentored and lead through deep inner work and into transformation
Someone who sees this 6-month course as an investment in their mindset, peace, wellness, and future